Getting Started


  • Python: 2.6, 3.5+ (for version <= 1.3)
  • Python: 3.8+ (for version >= 2.0)
  • Mattermost: 4.0+


PyPi (pip)

The recommended method to install mmpy_bot is via pip:

pip install -U mmpy_bot

Git Repo

  1. Clone the git repository:

    $ git clone
  2. Install requirements:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the bot

We recommend creating an entrypoint file for executing the bot, which will look something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from mmpy_bot import Bot, Settings, ExamplePlugin, WebHookExample
# from my_plugin import MyPlugin  <== Example of importing your own plugin, don't forget to add it to the plugins list.

bot = Bot(
        MATTERMOST_URL = "http://<mattermost_server_url>",
        MATTERMOST_PORT = 443,
        BOT_TOKEN = "<your_bot_token>",
        BOT_TEAM = "<team_name>",
        SSL_VERIFY = True,
    plugins=[ExamplePlugin(), WebHookExample()],

You can then simply launch the bot with python For more information on configuring bot settings and plugins, please see and the plugins page.


A container image is available at jneeven/mmpy_bot. Using your preferred container management software (Docker/Podman), you can pull the image and run it using the following steps:

  1. Pull the image from the Docker repository:

    $ podman pull
  2. Run the container with defined environment variables:

    $ podman run -d --name=mmpy_bot --network=host -e MATTERMOST_URL=<mattermost_server_url> -e MATTERMOST_PORT=<mattermost_server_port> -e BOT_TOKEN=<bot_token>

You can also find an example docker-compose.yml file here.

Customizing your bot

Getting your bot running is only the beginning. The real fun begins with writing plugins to get it functioning exactly how you want it! Head on over to the plugins page to get started.

Fetch mmpy_bot version

To check your installed version of mmpy_bot, simply open a Python interpreter and run the following commands:

import mmpy_bot